======== README ======== Dataset accompanying the paper, "Characterizing the Composition of Sand and Mud Suspensions in Coastal & Estuarine Environments using Combined Optical and Acoustic Measurements", published by Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans in 2021. Authors: Stuart G. Pearson, Romaric Verney, Bram C. van Prooijen, Duc Tran, Erik C.M. Hendriks, Matthias Jacquet, Zheng Bing Wang 1. Introductory information ============================ Data files: ------------ i. ADCP-HR_azg201709_f4_processed.nc contains additional processed hydrodynamic data from the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP-HR), and ii. SCI_azg201709_f4_processed.nc contains the optical and acoustic backscatter data plus derived values of the Sediment Composition Index (SCI) and fraction of sand in suspension (f_{sand}). iii. SCI_LabExperiments.nc contains the data from the laboratory experiments summarized in Figures 3 and 4 of the manuscript. The files are stored as netcdf (*.nc) files and can be opened using the software of your choice (e.g., MATLAB or Python). Contact information -------------------- Please contact Stuart Pearson at s.g.pearson@tudelft.nl in case you have any questions about the dataset. 2. Methodological information ============================== Details of the field measurements can be found in "Measurements of hydrodynamics, sediment, morphology and benthos on Ameland ebb-tidal delta and lower shoreface"by van Prooijen et al. (2020): https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-2775-2020. Additional supporting information is contained in the Kustgenese 2 data report published by Rijkswaterstaat: https://www.helpdeskwater.nl/publish/pages/143043/1220339-015-zks-0004_v0-1-data-report-kustgenese-2-0-measurements_final_vs5.pdf A full description of the laboratory experiments can be found in the main article and supplementary material of Characterizing the Composition of Sand and Mud Suspensions in Coastal & Estuarine Environments using Combined Optical and Acoustic Measurements (Pearson et al., 2021), openly accessible here: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JC017354 3. Data specific information ============================= i. ADCP-HR_azg201709_f4_processed.nc -------------------------------------- Format: netcdf4 Global Attributes: title = 'Hydrodynamic Conditions (AZG-F4 ADCP-HR)' time_coverage_start = '2017-08-29T00:14:55Z' time_coverage_end = '2017-10-10T05:14:55Z' geospatial_lat_min = 53.4854 geospatial_lat_max = 53.4854 geospatial_lat_units = 'degrees_north' geospatial_lon_min = 5.542 geospatial_lon_max = 5.542 geospatial_lon_units = 'degrees_east' institution = 'Rijkswaterstaat' creator_name = 'Stuart Pearson' creator_email = 's.g.pearson@tudelft.nl' project = 'Kustgenese2/SEAWAD' comment = 'Bottom-facing Nortek ADCP-HR mounted 50 cm above bottom of frame' date_created = '2021-03-21T17:51:44Z' Dimensions: time = 2027 Variables: Hs Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Significant Wave Height [m]' standard_name = 'Hs' units = 'm' comment = '30 min burst-averaged. Height = 50 cm above bottom of frame' h Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Water depth [m]' standard_name = 'h' units = 'm' comment = '30 min burst-averaged.' U Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Eastward near-bed velocity [m/s]' standard_name = 'U' units = 'm/s' comment = '30 min burst-averaged. Profile depth-averaged over approx 50 cm between frame and bed' V Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Northward near-bed velocity [m/s]' standard_name = 'V' units = 'm/s' comment = '30 min burst-averaged. Profile depth-averaged over approx 50 cm between frame and bed' tauc Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Bed shear stress due to currents [Pa]' standard_name = 'tauc' units = 'm' comment = '30 min burst-averaged. Calculated using Soulsby [1997]' tauw Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Bed shear stress due to waves [Pa]' standard_name = 'tauw' units = 'm' comment = '30 min burst-averaged. Calculated using Soulsby [1997]' mask Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mask [-]' standard_name = 'mask' units = '-' comment = 'Mask to indicate when frame underwater (1=true)' time Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'time' standard_name = 'time' units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00' calendar = 'julian' axis = 'T' bounds = 'time_bounds' ancillary_variables = '' comment = '' ii. SCI_azg201709_f4_processed.nc ---------------------------------- Format: netcdf4 Global Attributes: title = 'Optical and Acoustic Backscatter (AZG-F4 ADV and OBS)' time_coverage_start = '2017-08-29T00:14:55Z' time_coverage_end = '2017-10-10T05:14:55Z' geospatial_lat_min = 53.4854 geospatial_lat_max = 53.4854 geospatial_lat_units = 'degrees_north' geospatial_lon_min = 5.542 geospatial_lon_max = 5.542 geospatial_lon_units = 'degrees_east' institution = 'Rijkswaterstaat' creator_name = 'Stuart Pearson' creator_email = 's.g.pearson@tudelft.nl' project = 'Kustgenese2/SEAWAD' comment = 'Nortek Vector and Campbell OBS 3+' date_created = '2021-03-21T17:51:41Z' Dimensions: time = 2027 Variables: OBS Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Optical Backscatter [V]' standard_name = 'OBS' units = 'Volts' comment = '30 min burst-averaged. Height = 50 cm above bottom of frame' SNR Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter Signal to Noise Ratio [dB]' standard_name = 'SNR' units = 'Celsius' comment = '30 min burst-averaged. Height = 50 cm above bottom of frame' SCI Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Sediment Composition Index [dB]' standard_name = 'SCI' units = 'decibels' comment = 'Height = 50 cm above bottom of frame' fsand Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'fraction of sand in suspension [%]' standard_name = 'fsand' units = 'Percent' comment = 'Height = 50 cm above bottom of frame' mask Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mask [-]' standard_name = 'mask' units = '-' comment = 'Mask to indicate when frame underwater (1=true)' time Size: 2027x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'time' standard_name = 'time' units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00' calendar = 'julian' axis = 'T' bounds = 'time_bounds' ancillary_variables = '' comment = '' iii. SCI_LabExperiments.nc --------------------------- Format: netcdf4 Global Attributes: title = 'Sediment Composition Laboratory Experiments' institution = 'TU Delft/Ifremer' creator_name = 'Stuart Pearson' creator_email = 's.g.pearson@tudelft.nl' project = 'SEAWAD' date_created = '2021-06-22T20:23:25Z' Dimensions: exp1_C_target = 6 exp1_fsand_target = 5 exp2_numTests = 7 Variables: exp1_d100_OBSntu_mean Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean Optical Backscatter [NTU]' standard_name = 'exp1_d100_OBSntu_mean' units = 'NTU' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 100 microns' exp1_d100_OBSraw_mean Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean Raw Optical Backscatter [-]' standard_name = 'exp1_d100_OBSraw_mean' units = 'counts' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 100 microns' exp1_d100_OBSraw_std Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Standard Deviation of Raw Optical Backscatter [-]' standard_name = 'exp1_d100_OBSraw_std' units = 'counts' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 100 microns' exp1_d100_SNR_mean Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean Acoustic Signal-to-Noise Ratio [dB]' standard_name = 'exp1_d100_SNR_mean' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 100 microns' exp1_d100_SNR_std Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Standard Deviation of Acoustic Signal-to-Noise Ratio [dB]' standard_name = 'exp1_d100_SNR_std' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 100 microns' exp1_d100_C Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Total mass concentration [mg/L]' standard_name = 'exp1_d100_C' units = 'mg/L' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 100 microns' exp1_d100_SCI Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Sediment Composition Index [dB]' standard_name = 'exp1_d100_SCI' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 100 microns' exp1_d100_fsand Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Fraction of sand in suspension [%]' standard_name = 'exp1_d100_fsand' units = '%' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 100 microns' exp1_d100_mask Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mask [-]' standard_name = 'exp1_d100_mask' units = '-' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 100 microns; Mask to indicate data points that meet quality check (1=true)' exp1_d200_OBSntu_mean Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean Optical Backscatter [NTU]' standard_name = 'exp1_d200_OBSntu_mean' units = 'NTU' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 200 microns' exp1_d200_OBSraw_mean Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean Raw Optical Backscatter [-]' standard_name = 'exp1_d200_OBSraw_mean' units = 'counts' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 200 microns' exp1_d200_OBSraw_std Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Standard Deviation of Raw Optical Backscatter [-]' standard_name = 'exp1_d200_OBSraw_std' units = 'counts' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 200 microns' exp1_d200_SNR_mean Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean Acoustic Signal-to-Noise Ratio [dB]' standard_name = 'exp1_d200_SNR_mean' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 200 microns' exp1_d200_SNR_std Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Standard Deviation of Acoustic Signal-to-Noise Ratio [dB]' standard_name = 'exp1_d200_SNR_std' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 200 microns' exp1_d200_C Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Total mass concentration [mg/L]' standard_name = 'exp1_d200_C' units = 'mg/L' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 200 microns' exp1_d200_SCI Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Sediment Composition Index [dB]' standard_name = 'exp1_d200_SCI' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 200 microns' exp1_d200_fsand Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Fraction of sand in suspension [%]' standard_name = 'exp1_d200_fsand' units = '%' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 200 microns' exp1_d200_mask Size: 6x5 Dimensions: exp1_C_target,exp1_fsand_target Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mask [-]' standard_name = 'exp1_d200_mask' units = '-' comment = 'Experiment 1, d50 = 200 microns; Mask to indicate data points that meet quality check (1=true)' exp2_d100_OBS_mean Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean Optical Backscatter [NTU]' standard_name = 'exp2_d100_OBS_mean' units = 'Equivalent NTU' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 100 microns' exp2_d100_OBS_std Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Standard Deviation of Optical Backscatter [NTU]' standard_name = 'exp2_d100_OBS_std' units = 'Equivalent NTU' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 100 microns' exp2_d100_SNR_mean Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean Acoustic Signal-to-Noise Ratio [dB]' standard_name = 'exp2_d100_SNR_mean' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 100 microns' exp2_d100_SNR_std Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Standard Deviation of Acoustic Signal-to-Noise Ratio [dB]' standard_name = 'exp2_d100_SNR_std' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 100 microns' exp2_d100_C Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Total mass concentration [mg/L]' standard_name = 'exp2_d100_C' units = 'mg/L' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 100 microns' exp2_d100_SCI Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Sediment Composition Index [dB]' standard_name = 'exp2_d100_SCI' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 100 microns' exp2_d100_fsand Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Fraction of sand in suspension [%]' standard_name = 'exp2_d100_fsand' units = '%' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 100 microns' exp2_d100_mask Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mask [-]' standard_name = 'exp2_d100_mask' units = '-' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 100 microns; Mask to indicate data points that meet quality check (1=true)' exp2_d200_OBS_mean Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean Optical Backscatter [NTU]' standard_name = 'exp2_d200_OBS_mean' units = 'Equivalent NTU' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 200 microns' exp2_d200_OBS_std Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Standard Deviation of Optical Backscatter [NTU]' standard_name = 'exp2_d200_OBS_std' units = 'Equivalent NTU' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 200 microns' exp2_d200_SNR_mean Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean Acoustic Signal-to-Noise Ratio [dB]' standard_name = 'exp2_d200_SNR_mean' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 200 microns' exp2_d200_SNR_std Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Standard Deviation of Acoustic Signal-to-Noise Ratio [dB]' standard_name = 'exp2_d200_SNR_std' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 200 microns' exp2_d200_C Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Total mass concentration [mg/L]' standard_name = 'exp2_d200_C' units = 'mg/L' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 200 microns' exp2_d200_SCI Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Sediment Composition Index [dB]' standard_name = 'exp2_d200_SCI' units = 'dB' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 200 microns' exp2_d200_fsand Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Fraction of sand in suspension [%]' standard_name = 'exp2_d200_fsand' units = '%' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 200 microns' exp2_d200_mask Size: 7x1 Dimensions: exp2_numTests Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mask [-]' standard_name = 'exp2_d200_mask' units = '-' comment = 'Experiment 2, d50 = 200 microns; Mask to indicate data points that meet quality check (1=true)' 4. Sharing and Access information ================================== This dataset is licensed under CC-BY 4.0 (figures, media, posters, papers, filesets). The data is openly available but credit must be given in the form of a citation if you use or refer to the data. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work (even commercially) as long as they provide credit for the original creation.