======== README ======== Dataset accompanying the paper, "Tracking fluorescent and ferrimagnetic sediment tracers on an energetic ebb-tidal delta to monitor grain size-selective dispersal", published in Ocean & Coastal Management in 2021. Authors: Stuart G. Pearson, Bram C. van Prooijen, Jack Poleykett, Matthew Wright, Kevin Black, and Zheng Bing Wang 1. Introductory information ============================ Data files: ------------ i. AmelandEbbTidalDelta_TracerExperiment2017_RecoveredTracer.nc contains sediment data for the recovered and separated tracer particles. ii. AmelandEbbTidalDelta_TracerExperiment2017_NativeSediment.nc contains data from the native sediment in which the tracer sediment was found. The files are stored as netcdf (*.nc) files and can be opened using the software of your choice (e.g., MATLAB or Python). Contact information -------------------- Please contact Stuart Pearson at s.g.pearson@tudelft.nl in case you have any questions about the dataset. 2. Methodological information ============================== Details of the larger field measurement campaign in which this tracer study was conducted can be found in "Measurements of hydrodynamics, sediment, morphology and benthos on Ameland ebb-tidal delta and lower shoreface"by van Prooijen et al. (2020): https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-2775-2020. Additional supporting information is contained in the Kustgenese 2 data report published by Rijkswaterstaat: https://www.helpdeskwater.nl/publish/pages/143043/1220339-015-zks-0004_v0-1-data-report-kustgenese-2-0-measurements_final_vs5.pdf A full description of the tracer experiments can be found in "Tracking fluorescent and ferrimagnetic sediment tracers on an energetic ebb-tidal delta to monitor grain size-selective dispersal" (Pearson et al., 2021), openly accessible here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105835 3. Data specific information ============================= i. AmelandEbbTidalDelta_TracerExperiment2017_RecoveredTracer.nc ----------------------------------------------------------------- Source: AmelandEbbTidalDelta_TracerExperiment2017_RecoveredTracer.nc Format: netcdf4 Global Attributes: time_coverage_start = '2017-08-30T00:00:00Z' time_coverage_end = '2017-10-09T00:00:00Z' geospatial_lat_min = 53.4805 geospatial_lat_max = 53.4906 geospatial_lat_units = 'degrees_north' geospatial_lon_min = 5.5168 geospatial_lon_max = 5.5491 geospatial_lon_units = 'degrees_east' institution = 'Delft University of Technology' creator_name = 'Stuart Pearson' creator_email = 's.g.pearson@tudelft.nl' project = 'SEAWAD' acknowledgment = 'This work is part of the research programme ‘Collaboration Program Water’ with project number 14489 (SEAWAD), which is (partly) financed by NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences. Special thanks to the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat and Rijksrederij) for organizing the field campaign and for their ongoing support as part of the Kustgenese2.0 project. Thanks also to the crew of the MS Schuitengat, MS Siege, and MS Terschelling for their assistance with the fieldwork. Thank you to Claire Chassagne, Mohammed Jafar, and Saskia Huisman for their help with the laboratory equipment. ' comment = 'Dataset accompanying the paper "Tracking fluorescent and ferrimagnetic sediment tracers on an energetic ebb-tidal delta to monitor grain size-selective dispersal". Statistics for each sample are derived from an average of repeated subsamples' date_created = '2021-07-28T14:47:57Z' title = 'Ameland Ebb Tidal Delta Tracer Experiment 2017 - Recovered Tracer' Dimensions: numSamples = 66 grainSizeBins = 36 namestringlength = 20 Variables: sampleName Size: 66x20 Dimensions: numSamples,namestringlength Datatype: char Attributes: long_name = 'Sample Name' standard_name = 'sampleName' units = '-' comment = 'Sample name as assigned during field collection' collectionDate Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'collectionDate' standard_name = 'collectionDate' units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00' calendar = 'julian' comment = '-' grainSizeBins Size: 36x1 Dimensions: grainSizeBins Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Grain size bins for percentFiner variables' standard_name = 'grainSizeBins' units = 'microns' comment = '-' tracerCount Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'estimated number of recovered tracer particles' standard_name = 'tracerCount' units = '-' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' percentFiner_tracer Size: 66x36 Dimensions: numSamples,grainSizeBins Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'percentage of recovered tracer particles finer than a given diameter' standard_name = 'percentFiner_tracer' units = '-' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' d05_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '5th percentile (d05) of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'd05_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' d10_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '10th percentile (d10) of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'd10_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' d16_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '16th percentile (d16) of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'd16_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' d25_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '25th percentile (d25) of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'd25_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' d50_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Median grain size (d50) of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'd50_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' d75_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '75th percentile (d75) of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'd75_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' d84_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '84th percentile (d84) of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'd84_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' d90_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '90th percentile (d90) of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'd90_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' d95_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '95th percentile (d95) of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'd95_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' dMean_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean grain size of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'dMean_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope' sorting_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Sorting coefficient of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'sorting_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope and Logarithmic (original) Folk and Ward (1957) graphical measures' Sk_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Skewness of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'Sk_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope and Logarithmic (original) Folk and Ward (1957) graphical measures' Kurt_tracer Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Kurtosis of recovered tracer [microns]' standard_name = 'Kurt_tracer' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope and Logarithmic (original) Folk and Ward (1957) graphical measures' Lat Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Latitude of sample' standard_name = 'Lat' units = 'degrees North' comment = '-' Lon Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Longitude of sample' standard_name = 'Lon' units = 'degrees East' comment = '-' xRD Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'x-coordinate of sample in RD coordinates' standard_name = 'xRD' units = 'm' comment = 'EPSG code: 28992' yRD Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'y-coordinate of sample in RD coordinates' standard_name = 'yRD' units = 'm' comment = 'EPSG code: 28992' zNAP Size: 66x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'approximate vertical bed elevation of sample site' standard_name = 'zNAP' units = 'm' comment = 'interpolated from 2017 vaklodingen bathymetry at [xRD, yRD]; not directly measured during sampling' ii. AmelandEbbTidalDelta_TracerExperiment2017_NativeSediment.nc ---------------------------------------------------------------- Source: AmelandEbbTidalDelta_TracerExperiment2017_NativeSediment.nc Format: netcdf4 Global Attributes: title = 'Ameland Ebb Tidal Delta Tracer Experiment 2017 - Native Sediment' time_coverage_start = '2017-08-29T00:00:00Z' time_coverage_end = '2017-10-09T00:00:00Z' geospatial_lat_min = NaN geospatial_lat_max = NaN geospatial_lat_units = 'degrees_north' geospatial_lon_min = NaN geospatial_lon_max = NaN geospatial_lon_units = 'degrees_east' institution = 'Delft University of Technology' creator_name = 'Stuart Pearson' creator_email = 's.g.pearson@tudelft.nl' project = 'SEAWAD' acknowledgment = 'This work is part of the research programme ‘Collaboration Program Water’ with project number 14489 (SEAWAD), which is (partly) financed by NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences. Special thanks to the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat and Rijksrederij) for organizing the field campaign and for their ongoing support as part of the Kustgenese2.0 project. Thanks also to the crew of the MS Schuitengat, MS Siege, and MS Terschelling for their assistance with the fieldwork. Thank you to Claire Chassagne, Mohammed Jafar, and Saskia Huisman for their help with the laboratory equipment. ' comment = 'Dataset accompanying the paper "Tracking fluorescent and ferrimagnetic sediment tracers on an energetic ebb-tidal delta to monitor grain size-selective dispersal". These samples correspond to native background sediment that the tracer was found in and separated from. Statistics for each sample are derived from an average of repeated subsamples' date_created = '2021-07-28T16:30:00Z' Dimensions: numSamples = 50 grainSizeBins = 100 namestringlength = 20 Variables: sampleName Size: 50x20 Dimensions: numSamples,namestringlength Datatype: char Attributes: long_name = 'Sample Name' standard_name = 'sampleName' units = '-' comment = 'Sample name as assigned during field collection' grainSizeBins Size: 100x1 Dimensions: grainSizeBins Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Grain size bins for percentFiner variables' standard_name = 'grainSizeBins' units = 'microns' comment = '-' percentFiner_native Size: 50x100 Dimensions: numSamples,grainSizeBins Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'percentage of native sediment finer than a given diameter' standard_name = 'percentFiner_native' units = '-' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' d05_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '5th percentile (d05) of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'd05_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' d10_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '10th percentile (d10) of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'd10_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' d16_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '16th percentile (d16) of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'd16_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' d25_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '25th percentile (d25) of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'd25_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' d50_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Median grain size (d50) of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'd50_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' d75_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '75th percentile (d75) of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'd75_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' d84_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '84th percentile (d84) of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'd84_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' d90_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '90th percentile (d90) of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'd90_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' d95_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = '95th percentile (d95) of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'd95_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' dMean_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Mean grain size of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'dMean_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer' sorting_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Sorting coefficient of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'sorting_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer and Logarithmic (original) Folk and Ward (1957) graphical measures' Sk_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Skewness of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'Sk_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated via Malvern Mastersizer and Logarithmic (original) Folk and Ward (1957) graphical measures' Kurt_native Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Kurtosis of native sediment [microns]' standard_name = 'Kurt_native' units = 'microns' comment = 'Estimated using Malvern Mastersizer and Logarithmic (original) Folk and Ward (1957) graphical measures' Lat Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Latitude of sample' standard_name = 'Lat' units = 'degrees North' comment = '-' Lon Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Longitude of sample' standard_name = 'Lon' units = 'degrees East' comment = '-' xRD Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'x-coordinate of sample in RD coordinates' standard_name = 'xRD' units = 'm' comment = 'EPSG code: 28992' yRD Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'y-coordinate of sample in RD coordinates' standard_name = 'yRD' units = 'm' comment = 'EPSG code: 28992' zNAP Size: 50x1 Dimensions: numSamples Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'approximate vertical bed elevation of sample site' standard_name = 'zNAP' units = 'm' comment = 'interpolated from 2017 vaklodingen bathymetry at [xRD, yRD]; not directly measured during sampling' 4. Sharing and Access information ================================== This dataset is licensed under CC-BY 4.0 (figures, media, posters, papers, filesets). The data is openly available but credit must be given in the form of a citation if you use or refer to the data. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work (even commercially) as long as they provide credit for the original creation.